Canon CEE GmbH
Oberlaaerstrasse 233, 1100 Wien, ÖsterreichCanon CEE GmbH is a subsidiary of Canon Europa Ltd based in Vienna. As a regional sales organisation Canon CEE is responsible for operations in South East Europe, Ukraine as well as Central Asia & Caucasus supporting the sales, marketing and service activities of the entire Canon product range. Founded in 1994 Canon CEE today is responsible for 25 countries with a team of ambitious people, working collaboratively across different countries and cultures.
Unsere Berufsfelder
- Marketing/Kommunikation/PR
- Verkauf/Kundenbetreuung/Service
- Andere Berufe
- EDV/IT/Organisation
- Technik/Ingenieurwesen
- Rechnungswesen/Controlling/Buchhaltung
- Finanzwirtschaft/Bankberufe
- Assistenz/Sekretariat/Verwaltung
- Personalwesen
- Grafik/Design/Gestaltung
- Rechtswesen
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