Dynatrace Austria GmbH
Am Fünfundzwanziger Turm 20-22, 4020 Linz, Österreich
What is Dynatrace about? Dynatrace is a software product company founded in 2005 in Linz, Austria and is now spread around the globe. Believing that the world needs software to work perfectly in 2016 we reinvented our product from scratch and surprised the market with our Software Intelligence Platform for the enterprise cloud. This platform, which combines Application performance management, Clou...
Unsere Berufsfelder
- EDV/IT/Organisation
- Personalwesen
- Assistenz/Sekretariat/Verwaltung
- Sachbearbeitung
- Führung/Management/Unternehmertum
- Beratung/Consulting
- Rechtswesen
- Marketing/Kommunikation/PR
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