Lindt & Sprüngli (Austria) Gesellschaft m.b.H.
Kaiserstöckl, Hietzinger Hauptstraße 1A, 1130 Wien, ÖsterreichLindt & Sprüngli is recognized as a leader in the market for premium quality chocolate, offering a large selection of products in more than 120 countries around the world.During 170 years of Lindt & Sprüngli's existence, it has become known as one of the most innovative and creative companies making premium chocolate, with twelve own production sites in Europe and the US as well as distribution and sales companies around the world.
Unsere Berufsfelder
- Verkauf/Kundenbetreuung/Service
- Führung/Management/Unternehmertum
- Marketing/Kommunikation/PR
- Technik/Ingenieurwesen
- Einkauf/Logistik/Lagerwirtschaft
- Rechnungswesen/Controlling/Buchhaltung
- Andere Berufe
- Assistenz/Sekretariat/Verwaltung
- Facharbeit/Gewerbe/Produktion
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