Support Engineer (m/w/d)

Tricentis GmbH

Wien - vor 6 T

  • Stelleninserat
  • Arbeitgeber




Support Engineer

Our Support Engineers provide information, advice and technical support to a variety of clients, both professional and amateur, about problems with software application. They are highly trained within their specialist areas, and must be able to communicate technical information, clearly and concisely, to a wide range of internal and external clients. Increase your market value by stepping into the future

* Proactively manage high level, complex client service issues, researching and resolving issues quickly and efficiently
* Create technical documentation to serve as a knowledge base for handling support issues
* Ensure inquiries are responded to within established timeframes and support service levels are achieved
* Collaborate closely with development and service teams as well as key account management.
* Shape the future of the product by reporting bugs and feature requests
* Customer-centric attitude with the ability to make sound decisions based on customer needs and product knowledge


To be successful in the position you will possess the following skills and experience:

Must have:

* +3 or more years' experience in technical support/Test analyst/QA or in a customer-facing role
* Bachelor or Master of Science in Computer Science/Engineering or relevant experience
* At least 1-year experience with Tricentis Tosca
* Experience with enterprise software applications
* Knowledge of databases like MSSQL, DB2, Oracle, Postgres and MySQL
* Basic understanding of software testing concepts
* Excellent written, verbal, and listening skills to convey complex technical issues to appropriate audiences correctly for action or education
* Customer-centric attitude with the ability to make sound decisions based on customer needs and product knowledge
* Certified on AS1, AS2, and AE1 from Tricentis


* Experience in SAP products.
* Development skills in C# or Java
* Experience in traditional test automation/management tools (Microfocus QTP/QC/ALM and/or IBM FT and/or Test Complete and/or Selenium, etc.)
* Experience on any leading cloud platform (AWS/Azure/Google Cloud).
* Experience in the planning, development, and maintenance of automation frameworks
* Experience in software testing across the full Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

We are under legal obligation in Austria to indicate the minimum salary, which is EUR 43.078 gross per year for this position according to the IT collective agreement. However, our attractive compensation packages follow current market salaries and can therefore be significantly above the indicated minimum salary.

Wir sind in Österreich gesetzlich verpflichtet, das Mindestgehalt anzugeben, welches laut IT-Kollektivvertrag für diese Position EUR 43.078,- brutto pro Jahr beträgt. Unsere attraktiven Vergütungspakete orientieren sich an den aktuellen Marktgehältern und können daher deutlich über dem angegebenen Mindestgehalt liegen.

Tricentis Core Values:

Knowing what we need to achieve andhowto achieve it is important. Tricentis core values define our ways of working and the behaviors we model that create an enjoyable and successful Tricentis life.

* Demonstrate Self-Awareness: Own your strengths and limitations.
* Finish What We Start: Do what we say we are going to do.
* Move Fast: Create momentum and efficiency.
* Run Towards Change: Challenge the status quo.
* Serve Our Customers & Communities: Create a positive experience with each interaction.
* Solve Problems Together: We win or lose as one team.
* Think Big & Believe: Set extraordinary goals and believe you can achieve them.

Apply here

This is a rare and highly sought-after opportunity to be part of a great team within Tricentis. If you are interested in the opportunity to become a member of Tricentis where your ideas count, apply now for immediate consideration.

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