Master Thesis: Analysis of defects and microstructure in semiconductor materials using electron microscopy (f/m/div)

Infineon Technologies Austria AG

Villach - vor 30+ T

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Master Thesis: Analysis of defects and microstructure in semiconductor materials using electron microscopy (f/m/div)

At a glance

You are a Master student in the field of Materials Science, Physics or similar and are looking for an exciting Master thesis? Then join us at the Competence Center for Automotive and Industrial Electronics (KAI), a research center owned by Infineon and located in the Villach Technology Park. Within our young team, you have the opportunity to perform research on industry relevant topics on a state of the art scanning electron microscope. We are looking forward to your application!

Quick info

Location Villach

Entry level 0-1 year

Job ID HRC0879903

Start as soon as possible

Type Full time

Contract Temporary

Job description

At KAI (Kompetenzzentrum Automobil- und Industrieelektronik GmbH), you will perform your thesis project in an industrial research environment, guided and supported by experienced researchers. We work in close cooperation with universities and research facilities supporting your academic education, whereas our industrial partner Infineon offers interesting opportunities for a prospective career path in the semiconductor industry
Infineon is a global leader in the production of power semiconductors. The manufacturing of semiconductor devices is very complex process consisting of a sequence of individual processing steps, each effecting the device performance
A scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a state-of-the-art tool to visualize materials with a high spatial resolution. Dedicated techniques such as electron channeling contrast imaging (ECCI) and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) can be applied to visualize the lattice strain, orientation as well as single defects in semiconductor materials. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate these techniques on test structures in order to optimize the sample preparation and the SEM settings for the investigation of semiconductor materials. Subsequently, the optimized methodology will be applied to Si and SiC dies, to investigate the impact of industrial processing (e.g. wafer separation). Finally, the materials characteristic should be correlated with processing parameters to understand their impact on the chip robustness.
KAI GmbH in cooperation with Infineon Technologies Austria AG is involved in the FFG General Program project ARCADE for implementation of advanced characterization concepts into the industrial environment of power semiconductor manufacturing. Within the framework of this project we offer this master's thesis within the Materials Science & Simulation group (KAI MSS) in Villach.

In your new role your new tasks will be:

* Preparation of samples to enable materials characterization using SEM
* Evaluation of state-of-the-art electron microscopy techniques (EBSD,ECCI) to analyze semiconductor materials
* Optimization of the applied methodology (sample preparation, characterization technique)
* Investigation of the microstructure, lattice strain and defects in semiconductor materials (Si, SiC) after individual manufacturing steps
* Correlation of the materials characteristic and the industrial processing
* Documentation of the results and preparation of a master's thesis

This thesis has to be written in cooperation with a university.

Further Information
Type of employment: Temporary / Full-time (flexible working hours from Monday to Friday between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m.)
Duration: min. 8 months


You successfully meet the requirements, if you are a motivated and committed master student from the field of Materials Science, Physics or similar. You are best equipped for this task if you additionally offer:
* a Bachelor's degree and Master's studies (all lectures and exams completed)
Hands-on personality and like to work on a technical topic in an interdisciplinary team
* Basic understanding of materials physics and electron microscopy
* Experience in laboratory work and the operation of analytical tools for materials characterization
* Excellent English skills - written and spoken

Please attach the following documents (German or English) to your application:
* Motivation letter
* CV
* Certificate of matriculation at a university
* Latest Transcript of records (not older than 6 months)
* Highest completed educational certificate (Bachelor certificate for Master students)
* Reference letter (optional)

This position is subject to the collective agreement for workers and employees in the electrical and electronics industry (full-time), employment group D for master students (

About Us

Driving decarbonization and digitalization. Together.

Infineon designs, develops, manufactures, and markets a broad range of semiconductors and semiconductor-based solutions, focusing on key markets in the automotive, industrial, and consumer sectors. Its products range from standard components to special components for digital, analog, and mixed-signal applications to customer-specific solutions together with the appropriate software.

The KAI Competence Center for Automotive and Industrial Electronics was founded in 2006, is a 100% subsidiary of Infineon, and is located in the Villach Technology Park. The focus of our research is the reliability of power semiconductors in automotive and industrial applications.

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Sabrina Nindler

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