Teamlead IT Infrastructure (m/w/d)

AHT Cooling Systems GmbH

Rottenmann - vor 21 T

  • Stelleninserat
  • Arbeitgeber

We are realists and idealists, global players and team players, innovative and down to earth. We are AHT Cooling Systems with our headquarter in Rottenmann in Styria and are changing the refrigeration industry all over the world.

Teamlead IT Infrastructure


Place of work:


Susanna Hagler, 0650/6667958


* Ensuring stable and efficient operation and further development of the existing IT infrastructure
* Management and further development of the IT infrastructure team of an international group company
* Strategic planning of system changes (e.g. release changes)
* Project management on an international level
* Contributing to the design of applications
* Managing the organisation and implementation of new processes and applications
* Active collaboration in the system, function as final level support
* Supporting and advising the specialist departments in the development / optimisation and implementation of solutions for their business processes


* Completed IT training (apprenticeship, HTL, FH/Uni) or extensive expertise in the field of IT infrastructure with at least 2-3 years of professional experience in 2nd/3rd level IT support, preferably in an international industrial company
* Expertise in Microsoft systems (Office 365, MS Windows), Windows Server environment (AD, DHCP, DNS ...), network infrastructure (preferably CISCO components)
* Sound knowledge of IT service management processes
* Experience in the implementation and management of IT projects, preferably in a corporate environment
* Initial experience in team leadership would be ideal. Even more important is your team spirit
* Strong problem-solving skills and service orientation
* Business fluent in German and English
* Willingness to travel and be on call


* Internal and external training opportunities
* Optimal support during induction and a genuinely friendly team
* Flexible working time model and mobile working options
* International spirit in a great Austrian company
* Company canteen with meal allowance and company health measures at the Rottenmann site
* We pay an annual gross salary of at least EUR 68,000 for this position. Your actual salary will be agreed in a personal interview.

Please send us your application documents for this position in English!

In the core business of manufacturing plug-in refrigeration and freezer systems for trade and industry, we are at the top of the world. AHT refrigeration systems supply leading discount and supermarket chains as well as well-known manufacturers in the ice cream and beverage industry. With our headquarters in Rottenmann and production sites in China, Brazil and the USA, we are active on 4 continents worldwide. Under the umbrella of our parent company Daikin, we are part of a strong international group of companies that shares our values and ideas. A merger that will open up countless exciting career opportunities for you. You can look forward to a global working environment and attractive promotion and career change opportunities.




Bei dem angegebenen Gehalt handelt es sich um ein Brutto-Jahresgehalt.

68.000,00€ Mindestgehalt
Unser Mindestgehalt: 68.000,00€

In deiner Geldbörse landen mindestens (netto): In+deiner+Geldb%C3%B6rse+landen+mindestens+%28netto%29%3A

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