Österreichische Post AG

Part-time Employee QA Engineering IT (f/m/d) - Digital Identity

Österreichische Post AG

Wien - vor 6 T

  • Stelleninserat
  • Arbeitgeber

Who we are and what drives us

Are you organized and always on top of things? Do you know best what, when, where and how to deliver and that as efficiently as possible? Then we look forward to welcoming you as Part-time Employee QA Engineering IT (f/m/d) - Digital Identity.

What you will work on

  • You will participate in the definition, creation, execution and documentation of manual and automated test cases as well as the definition of quality criteria
    • You create and prioritize test plans, execute them and evaluate their outcome to ensure compliance with test and quality guidelines
    • You generate the test data after the test design and use existing automation frameworks and tools
    • You are part of an agile team, participate in our events and contribute your testing perspective in cross-team projects actively
    • You expand and/or share your knowledge in the software quality and testing community of practice

What you bring with you

  • Completed education at Matura level
    • Several years of experience and excellent technical skills in software testing in complex & different system landscapes with focus in .net, backend services and REST APIs (ISTQB certification is a plus)
    • Excellent experience with manual and automated testing, as well as experience with the creation and maintenance of test documentation and specifications, using standard tools in a continuous integration process
    • High level of commitment, hands-on mentality and initiative we are looking for a team player
    • We are an international team, our team language is English

What we can offer you

  • Food vouchers as well as occupational health promotion

  • Up to 80% remote work within Austria
    • A free employee account with bank99
    • Discounted holiday offers in one of our many holiday homes

  • A gross annual salary starting from EUR 31.168,- all-in for a part time position (20 hours per week, temporary contract until october 2025 with the option to extend)

We practise equality of opportunity and diversity and look forward to receiving your application!

Your Recruitment Team at Die Österreichische Post AG.

Information on data protection for applicants of Österreichische Post AG can be found at: karriere.post.at/datenschutz (German).


Bei dem angegebenen Gehalt handelt es sich um ein Brutto-Jahresgehalt.

31.168,00€ Mindestgehalt
Unser Mindestgehalt: 31.168,00€

In deiner Geldbörse landen mindestens (netto): In+deiner+Geldb%C3%B6rse+landen+mindestens+%28netto%29%3A

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