Österreichische Post AG

.net Developer IT (f/m/d)

Österreichische Post AG

Wien - vor 6 T

  • Stelleninserat
  • Arbeitgeber

Who we are and what drives us

Our passion at Österreichische Post AG is the carriage of letters, advertising materials, print media, and parcels. The modern world of work is frequently characterised by considerable uncertainty and largescale change. By contrast, we offer crisis-proof jobs for the long-term. We have a precise understanding of the logistics sector. Our goal is to satisfy our customers throughout Austria with our products and the reliable delivery of our services in the mail, banking, telecommunications, and energy fields. To achieve this aim, we place great emphasis on an appreciative and open working environment.

You will work on developing the technical core of the country's leading logistics and postal service provider as part of a team of IT specialists. The IT solutions you help develop will ensure the provision of postal services to the Austrian population at all times, even critical ones. We meet the needs of our customers and continue to expand the services available to them with our innovative software solutions.

What you will work on

  • Participate in all Agile meetings
    • Participate in the analysis, design, and cost estimate of existing or new software components an solutions
    • Define and develop interfaces between individual components, data structures, user interfaces and software components
    • Plan work steps for greater economy and efficiency in coordination with the Solution Architect
    • Implement functional requirements based on the defined software architecture and utilize program libraries, frameworks, and tool suitable

for this purpose
• Coach team members, perform code reviews and monitor compliance with our coding guidelines. We encourage pair programming, mutual code reviews and knowledge exchange within the team and we are always looking for new ideas about how to modernize applications. To achieve these aims, we rely on a modern IT architecture ( Azure Cloud, Azure DevOps, etc.) and new technologies for applications which have already been transformed (e.g., Azure Cloud Hosting)

What you bring with you

  • Programming knowledge in .NET/C# and Knowledge of MS SQL
    • Experience with webservices (REST) and version control (GIT, TFS)
    • Experience with unit testing and test automation
    • Experience with Microsoft's cloud technologies, especially the Azure platform
    • Knowledge of DevOps, especially the automated provision of cloud services through Infrastructure-as-Code (e.g., PowerShell, ARM templates, Terraform)
    • Relevant practical experience in working in and with Agile product organisations

    What we can offer you

  • Food vouchers as well as occupational health promotion
    • A free employee account with bank99
    • Discounted holiday offers in one of our many holiday homes
    • A gross annual salary starting from EUR 50,000, all-in

We practise equality of opportunity and diversity and look forward to receiving your application!

Your Recruitment Team at Die Österreichische Post AG

Information on data protection for applicants of Österreichische Post AG can be found at: karriere.post.at/datenschutz (German).


Bei dem angegebenen Gehalt handelt es sich um ein Brutto-Jahresgehalt.

50.000,00€ Mindestgehalt
Unser Mindestgehalt: 50.000,00€

In deiner Geldbörse landen mindestens (netto): In+deiner+Geldb%C3%B6rse+landen+mindestens+%28netto%29%3A

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