Demand Planner (f/m/d)

woom GmbH

1190 Wien - vor 10 T

  • Stelleninserat
  • Arbeitgeber

Demand Planner (f/m/d)

Your Opportunity

Being responsible for operational planning of Sales forecasts across Europe and encompassing all Sales channels sounds exciting to you? With this role you have the opportunity to be involed in driving Sales decisions and support us in taking the next step in our Sales Performance!

Your Mission

* You create, update and maintain Sales forecasts at the market level using D365 and ensure needed daily tracking and adjustment based on market performance
* You collaborate closely with our Supply Chain team by constantly aligning to ensure forecasts accurately reflect supply and demand dynamics
* You analyze existing forecasts and propose solutions by using historical data and market insights
* You identify opportunities and risks by analyzing sales trends
* You support the team with risk assessments, mitigation plans and strategic adjustments to sales forecasts
* You collaborate cross functional by supporting other departments in understanding forecast changes and implications

You support a smooth communication between Sales, Supply Chain and Management

Your Skills

* You already have 3 years of professional experience in demand forecasting
* You are able to manage multiple tasks in a fast-paced environment while maintaining a high level of accuracy and attention to detail
* You are familiar with inventory management procedures, supply chain processes, and ERP systems like D365
* You show high proficiency in Microsoft Excel, with strong abilities in data analysis, statistical modeling, and forecasting techniques
* You have strong mathematical and statistical knowledge, with an ability to analyze large data sets
* You solve problems proactively and reliable
* You communicate effectively and confidents by addressing discrepancies or issues
* You find it easy to meet deadlines and adapt to changing market conditions or priorities
* You describe yourself as a Team Player with an positive attitude
* You are proficient in German and English

Who we are

Our sustainable and lightweight bikes have won awards and created a loyal customer base all over the world! We are an international, multicultural team with more than 15 nationalities. With over 170 employees it can be difficult to maintain the startup atmosphere, so we place a lot of emphasis on a friendly working atmosphere and extensive onboarding.

For this position, we offer you a gross monthly salary starting at EUR 2.800 on a full-time basis. Of course, we take into account your individual qualifications and experience and are willing to pay an appropriate overpayment. We will be happy to discuss details in person.

woom GmbH
Alexandra Ackermann

Muthgasse 109 A
1190 Wien


Bei dem angegebenen Gehalt handelt es sich um ein Brutto-Monatsgehalt.

2.800,00€ Mindestgehalt
Unser Mindestgehalt: 2.800,00€

In deiner Geldbörse landen mindestens (netto): In+deiner+Geldb%C3%B6rse+landen+mindestens+%28netto%29%3A

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Ein Tipp: Gehe das Stelleninserat nochmals durch, um nichts Wichtiges zu übersehen.

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