Early-Stage Researcher PhD Student (m/f/d)

Donau-Universität Krems

Krems an der Donau - vor 19 T

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University for Continuing Education Krems

The University for Continuing Education Krems specializes in academic continuing education. With 8,000 students from 90 countries, the University for Continuing Education Krems combines its many years of experience in university-based continuing education with innovation to provide outstanding quality in research and teaching at an international level. Situated 60 km from Vienna in the alluring world heritage region Wachau, Campus Krems is a highly attractive location.

Project Description:

The diverse roles of extracellular vesicles in the regulation of inflammatory processes are the focus of the new doctoral program "EVision: Extracellular Vesicles in Inflammation".
The PhD position can now be filled for four years with funds from the doc.funds.connect program of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).
With this program, the Department of Biomedical Research will further deepen its research in the field of inflammation and sepsis and strengthen the support and training of the early-stage researcher.

This position will be enrolled in the PhD program "Regenerative Medicine" at the UWK.

Early-Stage Researcher - PhD Student (m/f/d)

30 hrs./week

Advertisement No. SB24-0114

Your tasks

* Experimental research to investigate the roles of extracellular vesicles (EVs) in inflammation
* Analysis of the research data and publication of the results
* Tutoring of Bachelor and Master students
* Contributions to methodological development in EV research
* Representation of the research group at conferences and symposia with poster presentations and scientific presentations
* Supporting the research group in administrative tasks
* Completing and submitting a cumulative PhD thesis within four years

Your profile
We require evidence of the following qualifications for the application:

* Completion of a diploma or master's degree in Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Medicine, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, or a related subject (criterion must be met prior to the conclusion of the working contract)
* Experience in lab work in the field of Biomedicine (min. 6 months)
* Experience in analyzing and processing research data
* Ability to work in a research team and to communicate research results
* Proficiency in scientific writing, demonstrated by scientific publications, presentations or a master's thesis
* Excellent English skills (C1)

In addition, the following criteria are desirable:

* Experience with flow cytometry and cell cultures
* Good knowledge of German (min. B1)

Your perspective

* Part-time position (30 hours/week) limited to four years with a salary of EUR 3,578.80 gross per month on a full-time basis; classification as a scientific project staff member according to § 49 VwGr. B1, Kollektivvertrag für Universitäten (collective agreement for universities)
* Project start/Start of employment: as soon as possible
* State-of-the-art laboratories and Core Facilities
* Innovative and modern working environment at the Campus Krems
* An international mobility of three to six months is foreseen for each PhD student
* Comprehensive range of relevant training courses (e.g., science communication, presentation skills, methodological trainings)
* Extensive offer of workplace health promotion as well as the University Sports Institute

Persons with disabilities who meet the required criteria are expressly invited to apply for this position.
We see high innovation potential in the diversity of our employees, and we are committed to diversity as a guiding principle.

We look forward to receiving your online application for all positions by 6 November 2024 via our online tool: Vacancies - University for Continuing Education Krems (donau-uni.ac.at)

Your application must include the following:

* Letter of Motivation specifying your interest in one or several of the PhD projects and why and how you believe you can contribute to research in this specific project
* Curriculum Vitae
* Degrees and transcripts
* Documentation of scientific experience (lab work, master thesis, presentations, publications)
* Excellent references from two previous supervisors or teachers

Information on the further selection process:

* Online-Interview
* Selected candidates will be invited to a hearing at the Campus Krems to introduce themselves and present their research to the PhD faculty.
* This presentation will be complemented by interviews with faculty members and by visits to the facilities and research laboratories. The faculty will score the performance of the candidates based on the submitted documents, the presentation, and the interviews, and will select one candidate per project. The Working Group on Equality Opportunities (AKG) of the University for Continuing Education will participate in the hearings with an advisory vote.
* The assignment to a position as an early-stage researcher at the UWK is the responsibility of the faculty members on the basis of the chosen project.


Bei dem angegebenen Gehalt handelt es sich um ein Brutto-Monatsgehalt.

3.579€ Mindestgehalt
Unser Mindestgehalt: 3.579€

In deiner Geldbörse landen mindestens (netto): In deiner Geldbörse landen mindestens (netto):

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