Internship or Master Thesis: Biodiversity & Water Evaluation of impacts, risks and opportunities in the paper industrie (m/w/d)

Delfortgroup AG

Traun - vor 8 T

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Internship or Master Thesis: Biodiversity & Water - Evaluation of impacts, risks and opportunities in the paper industrie

Background of the topic

The Corporate Sustainable Reporting Directive (CSRD) from the European Union in combination with the European Sustainable Reporting Standards (ESRS) defines the external regulatory framework in the area of ESG. The delfortgroup as an international company with the headquarter in Traun needs to comply with these regulations.

Delfort is owner of six paper mills and seven printing and converting sites. To fulfill these regulations at delfort we are working in cross-functional teams together with our operational sites.

Key questions and objectives

Goal of this internship or thesis is to evaluate the CRSD requirements for the topics climate change as an impact driver of biodiversity loss & water scarcity.

* Evaluate impacts, risks and opportunities for all operational companies regarding biodiversity and water
* Identify and propose projects/actions to influence the biodiversity level and water demand of all operational companies
* Develop strategies to positive influence biodiversity and water risk mitigation
* Support the implementation of a group-wide reporting system for biodiversity and water

Your benefits

* The opportunity to support the development of ESG topics and the design of a group-wide reporting system in a globally successful company
* Excellent working environment (office & IT equipment, infrastructure (easily accessible by public transport & home office possibility) at a stable employer
* Extensive support from experienced teams while working on a strategic important program

The minimum salary for this position according to the collective bargaining agreement of Austrian paper industry is EUR 2,356.71 gross per month.

The position is for approximately 6-9 months, with a minimum of 30 hours per week (f/m/d), other options are possible.

We insist on the suspension of your internship or master thesis for an indefinite period by an appropriate blocking notice and the confidential treatment of your academic supervisor. This also includes duplications, publications, and the filing of your university.


Internship or Master Thesis: Biodiversity & Water - Evaluation of impacts, risks and opportunities in the paper industrie


Traun Austria



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Your contact

Verena Prandstötter +43 7229 776-302


Bei dem angegebenen Gehalt handelt es sich um ein Brutto-Monatsgehalt.

2.357€ Mindestgehalt
Unser Mindestgehalt: 2.357€

In deiner Geldbörse landen mindestens (netto): In+deiner+Geldb%C3%B6rse+landen+mindestens+%28netto%29%3A

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