5 aktuelle Grant Jobs in Wien

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  1. RED NOSES International (RNI) is an artistic and humanitarian organization that connects with diverse groups of audiences through the art of clowning. We work with children in...

    Online gestellt vor 10 T
  2. Unsere Benefits für dich * Innovation. A varied project management and coordination position with a significant scope for innovation and independence. * Flexibility...

    Online gestellt vor 10 T
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  4. We offer successful candidates a career position in compliance with § 99 (5) UG (tenure-track) and a EUR 1.8 million grant for six years from the Vienna Science and...

    Online gestellt vor 12 T
  5. Wir bieten: * Erfolgsentscheidende als auch verantwortungsvolle Position mit vielseitigem Aufgabenbereich und Gestaltungsspielraum * Ein kollegiales und...

    Online gestellt vor 18 T
  6. LIGHT FOR THE WORLD is an independent international non-profit organization that advocates for visually impaired, blind, and other disabled people in the poorest regions of the...

    Online gestellt vor 4 T

Diese Jobs hast du verpasst

  1. Executive / Administrative Assistant (Medical Device Start-Up) (m/w/d)

    Firma Valeriot GmbH

    we offer a dynamic and collaborative work environment where cutting-edge technology and life-saving solutions come together. Join us in shaping the future of cardiac surgery and...

    Online gestellt vor 30+ T
  2. HR & Grants Officer (m/w/d)

    Firma IMP Research Institute of Molecular Pathology

    Unser Angebot * Internationale Arbeitsumgebung * Dynamisches Aufgabengebiet * Umfrangreiche Benefits eines Konzerns (u.a. Gesundheitsvorsorge, Events und...

    Online gestellt vor 30+ T
  3. Department Head and Professor of Computer Science (f/m/d)

    Firma Webster Vienna Private University

    For 40 years, Webster Vienna Private University (WVPU) has provided its students with an internationally competitive, American-based liberal arts education in the heart of Europe...

    Online gestellt vor 30+ T
  4. Financial Project Controller (f/m/d) - Remote


    We offer: * You join a highly motivated team, appreciating your experience and eager to jointly shape Light for the Worlds monitoring and steering mechanisms. * We are...

    Online gestellt vor 30+ T
  5. Programme Manager (f/m/d)

    Firma RED NOSES Clowndoctors International

    RED NOSES International (RNI) is an artistic and humanitarian organization that connects with diverse groups of audiences through the art of clowning. We work with children in...

    Online gestellt vor 30+ T
  6. Solution Sales Expert (m/w/d)

    Firma Deutsche Telekom Global Business Solutions GmbH

    Wir bieten eine große Anzahl an Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten - vom Seminar bis hin zum berufsbegleitenden Studium. Mitarbeiterrabatte Produkte und Dienstleistungen...

    Online gestellt vor 30+ T
  7. Accounting & Administration (m/f/d)

    Firma Evologic Technologies

    We offer interesting challenges in an innovative and motivated environment, with flat hierarchies and short decision-making processes. For our site in Vienna, we are looking for...

    Online gestellt vor 30+ T
  8. Erasmus Program Assistant (f/m/d) Academic Cooperation and Research Support Office

    Firma CEU GmbH

    We offer a competitive salary starting from a gross of 16,500 EUR/year. A higher salary is possible if warranted by the candidate's working experience. The contract is for one...

    Online gestellt vor 30+ T
  9. Grants Manager Research Project Cost Planing and Reporting (m/w/d)

    Firma Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft

    Wir bieten * eine abwechslungsreiche und herausfordernde Beschäftigung in einer zentralen Forschungsorganisation Österreichs * Flexible Arbeitszeiten sowie...

    Online gestellt vor 30+ T
  10. Financial Project Controller (f/m/d)


    The Financial Project Controller plays a critical role in overseeing the financial management of grant-funded projects, ensuring compliance with donor requirements and...

    Online gestellt vor 30+ T

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